New to Minor Hockey

Mandatory Gear to Play

  1. CSA Approved Helmet & Facial Protector with Chin Strap
  2. Throat Protector
  3. Mouth Guard
  4. Shoulder Pads
  5. Elbow Pads
  6. Gloves
  7. Pelvic Protector (Jock/Jill)
  8. Hockey Pants
  9. Shin Protector
  10. Skates
  11. Hockey Stick

Your child will also need hockey socks, jersey and a water bottle.

Hockey Canada Equipment Poster

Review the video to ensure your child’s gear fits!

Want to be a parent volunteer or help out on the ice?

Please notify your child team manager and complete the following courses on the BC Hockey parent website and online criminal record check.

  • Concussion Awareness Tool
  • Respect in Sport

Kaslo Minor Hockey Access Code HMJKG9C3VY